Guidelines for Using These Files

    • The files on this site are subject to certain license restrictions on their use. Please click here to read the license.
    • The ISO9660 image may be used to create a CD-ROM using your CD writing software such as cdrecord or Adaptec. The CD will autorun when inserted into a Windows system.
    • The Compressed File may be extracted on a Solaris system using a command like:

             # mkdir synchron
             # cd synchron
             # gunzip -c <path to file.tar.gz> | tar xf -
             # cd Installers/Solaris
             # ./setup.bin
    • The ZIP Archive may be extracted using WinZip or a similar program. Create a directory to hold the extracted contents, and then execute the Launcher.exe program. You must install and start MySQL from the Launcher before installing Everserve if the system will behave as a Community Manager, Publisher, or Relay.

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Copyright 2000-2003 © Synchron Networks, Inc.